There are few places that inspire a wider range of emotions than a medical practice such as doctor’s offices and treatment centers. It’s for this reason that a practice must maintain a certain connection with patients, a human one.

This ensures that patients feel comfortable, and trust that your evaluations of their health and lifestyle advice are in their best interests. Along with an emphasis on excellent customer service, there are changes that can be made in your appearance and message which can set you apart from competing practices making the same claims of success.

Here are 2 ways you can give your medical practice a humanizing makeover.

Giving a Human Touch

You want your patients to feel at home when they arrive at your facility, especially because this will be the case for many. Sharing success stories with those that enter the building or visit your website validates the claims you make pertaining to treatment.

Hospitals and treatment centers for children can display artwork from current and past patients, along with photos, and their success stories.

Another way you can give a human touch is by showcasing your staff. Provide photos, short bios, or internal award recipients like “Employees of the Month” on your office walls.

Don’t Give Your Technology the Center Stage

In Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, there is a scene where Hayden Christianson’s character, Anakin, is being treated for a series of injuries and burns from battle. Several droids and mechanical arms tend to the patient and give the viewer an eerie image of what medicine could look like in the future.

What makes this scene so impactful to the viewer is the cold, faceless caretakers; devoid of emotion, they carry out the surgery with no regard for the patient. While this is a fantastical vision crafted for the big screen, it can serve as a warning to practitioners concerning the way they let technology take away from the human elements that are so much a part of their practice.

The faces behind the care, and the sincere vision that defines your practice, should always be in the spotlight.

Do you need to have extensive information about your machines and innovative treatment methods?

Of course. But it’s the trust you establish with patients that encourages them to embrace the technology you have to offer. Earning that trust means connecting with the people around your practice. Embodying a unified message among your staff and creating an environment rooted in compassion is the most effective way to humanize your practice.



As we near the end of the year, many of the healthcare organizations we work with are beginning to look forward and plan for 2024. Part of this planning is updating, or even creating, a strategic plan. Strategic planning can be defined as “a process used by organizations to identify their goals, the str
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As we near the end of the year, many of the healthcare organizations we work with are beginning to look forward and plan for 2024. Part of this planning is updating, or even creating, a strategic plan. Strategic planning can be defined as “a process used by organizations to identify their goals, the str
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Humanizing Your Medical Practice

There are few places that inspire a wider range of emotions than a medical practice such as doctor’s offices and treatment centers. It’s for this reason that a practice must maintain a certain connection with patients, a human one.

This ensures that patients feel comfortable, and trust that your evaluations of their health and lifestyle advice are in their best interests. Along with an emphasis on excellent customer service, there are changes that can be made in your appearance and message which can set you apart from competing practices making the same claims of success.

Here are 2 ways you can give your medical practice a humanizing makeover.

Giving a Human Touch

You want your patients to feel at home when they arrive at your facility, especially because this will be the case for many. Sharing success stories with those that enter the building or visit your website validates the claims you make pertaining to treatment.

Hospitals and treatment centers for children can display artwork from current and past patients, along with photos, and their success stories.

Another way you can give a human touch is by showcasing your staff. Provide photos, short bios, or internal award recipients like “Employees of the Month” on your office walls.

Don’t Give Your Technology the Center Stage

In Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, there is a scene where Hayden Christianson’s character, Anakin, is being treated for a series of injuries and burns from battle. Several droids and mechanical arms tend to the patient and give the viewer an eerie image of what medicine could look like in the future.

What makes this scene so impactful to the viewer is the cold, faceless caretakers; devoid of emotion, they carry out the surgery with no regard for the patient. While this is a fantastical vision crafted for the big screen, it can serve as a warning to practitioners concerning the way they let technology take away from the human elements that are so much a part of their practice.

The faces behind the care, and the sincere vision that defines your practice, should always be in the spotlight.

Do you need to have extensive information about your machines and innovative treatment methods?

Of course. But it’s the trust you establish with patients that encourages them to embrace the technology you have to offer. Earning that trust means connecting with the people around your practice. Embodying a unified message among your staff and creating an environment rooted in compassion is the most effective way to humanize your practice.