Practice Management has the expertise and experience to improve your Dermatology Billing. Our sophisticated approach to medical billing includes front end claim edits, educated and highly trained staff, feedback to our clients, and in-depth knowledge of regulatory and payer rules. Practice Management is well-versed in payer medical policy and complies with all state, local, and federal laws. Our primary concerns are your revenue and patient satisfaction. Click here for more information.
We are experienced and well trained in the unique requirements of a wide variety of Cosmetic and Surgical Dermatology Procedures including:
Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures
Surgical Dermatology Procedures
Practice Management provides assistance and documentation of product sales and information necessary for sales tax computation if needed.
Patient statements are designed to clearly reflect the payer payment details. Our patient service representatives are continuously trained to balance respect and professionalism with an assertive approach to collecting payments.
Practice Management provides Dermatology Billing software as well as an appointment scheduler and can remotely interface with your EMR or current billing software if requested.
Detailed procedure reimbursement and payer analysis is provided upon request. This includes CPT & ICD10 coding, financial analysis, and related practice consultation.
We understand the specific and unique payer requirements for successful reimbursement and profitability.